Welcome to

 Ethio birhan

An import export company aiming to delever quality products

Call us now +251-11-8-6806077 or send an email info@ethiobirhan.com

Our Services

What we Offer

Exporting agricultral Good

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Industrial Equipments

Rechargeable Battries

Solar palates and boilers


About Us

Who we are

We are an import export company aiming to delever quality products with the right price . we work with customers coorporatl to ensure the need of all.

Gain a Success With Us!

Doing the right thing, at the right time. the right sell at Ethiopia

happy Clients

completed sell



Our Team

We are People with Professional Team

General Manager

Saron Solomon


Ermias gastione


hable work

New We are Hiring. View Open Positions

What People Are Saying About us

I working with ethiobirhan and the service is perfect .


wow , im delivery just got right on time


Great products wow


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